What you will learn

  • Stitch and prepare your data

  • Predict values with a Random Forest algorithm

  • Visualize your analysis through an interactive dashboard

Become Ikigai-fluent

Ikigai has a user-friendly UI and is developed for business users with no coding or data science background. In this part of the training, you’ll go over Ikigai’s fundamental concepts and navigation within the app.

Learn to clean and prepare your data

Using machine learning and data science techniques starts with the ground truth. This first part of the training will teach you to stitch your datasets together and prepare them for analytical work.

Use advanced algorithms to make predictions

In this part of the training, you will learn how to infuse no-code machine learning algorithms into data analysis. By using a simple drag-and-drop tool, you’ll be able to run advanced models, such as the Random Forest Model, to predict values.

Course Outline

    1. About this course

    2. How to work in the course

    3. How to get support

    4. Glossary

    1. Intro to the Ikigai Platform

    2. Assignment: Register for the platform

    3. Quiz: Key concepts and capabilities

    1. The business case: Boston Housing Pricing

    2. Assignment: Template Project

    3. Key concepts of BI and data management

    1. About the flows

    2. Data Stitching

    3. Dataset in Ikigai

    4. Price Prediction

    5. Price Recommender

    6. Train ML model

    7. Assignment: Data Stitching

    8. Assignment: Price Prediction

    9. Assignment: Price Recommender

    10. Quiz: Flows and facets

    1. About the dashboards, automations and alerts

    2. Boston Housing Dashboard

    3. Charts and dashboards

    4. Assignment: Dashboard Walkthrough

    5. Email Alert

    6. Assignment: Email Alert

    7. Quiz: Dashboard and alerts

    1. Course Feedback

Course details

  • 28 lessons
  • 2 hours of video
  • 6 assignments
  • Certificate

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