Intro to No-Code AI
This Ikigai Academy course offers a comprehensive introduction to the Ikigai Platform. You will learn about the main capabilities of the platform, build a simple use case, and connect with the platform community for support.
About this course
How to work in the course
How to get support
Intro to the Ikigai Platform
Assignment: Register for the platform
Quiz: Key concepts and capabilities
The business case: Boston Housing Pricing
Assignment: Template Project
Key concepts of BI and data management
About the flows
Data Stitching
Dataset in Ikigai
Price Prediction
Price Recommender
Train ML model
Assignment: Data Stitching
Assignment: Price Prediction
Assignment: Price Recommender
Quiz: Flows and facets
About the dashboards, automations and alerts
Boston Housing Dashboard
Charts and dashboards
Assignment: Dashboard Walkthrough
Email Alert
Assignment: Email Alert
Quiz: Dashboard and alerts
Course Feedback
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